What will we be doing? 我們會做什麼呢?
•Entering into a cross cultural environment - Buddhist world. 進入佛教處境的異文化地區。 •Learn about their lives, communication, food, housing, transportation, weather, etc. 學習適應天氣、交通、居住、飲食、溝通、生活。 •Get to know local pastors, bible school students, co-workers and serve with them. 與當地牧者、傳道人、神學生、同工彼此認識,配搭服事。 • Serve local churches, children centers, and orphanages. 服侍當地教會、兒童中心、孤兒院。 • Learn to overcoming mission challenges and grow in your spiritual walk. 面對神所預備的挑戰,迎接生命的成長。 |
Download these forms! Everyone needs 1 application form and 2 references from pastor and mentor.
contactMyanmar Mission
Team Coordinator : Henry Fan Email: [email protected] Office: (949)752-6899 x2007 website: www.revivalgen.org KC's experience in myanmar